5 Small Organizing Projects for the Holidays

Miscellaneous board game pieces on a chess board

The holiday break is a great time to do a little organizing for a less-cluttered 2023! These five organizing projects won’t take much time but will help you make the most of family visits and give you a jump start on spring cleaning. Organize a Game Zone Visits to my parent’s home included at least […]

Make Your Bed for Self-Care, Productivity and…Wealth?

Photo of made bed and side table (Photo by Christopher Jolly on Unsplash)

Make your bed for good self-care It may seem pointless, especially if you live alone. I mean, who will know if you leave your bed unmade this morning? And you’re just going to crawl back in tonight anyway, right? From an efficiency standpoint, this may be one task you can let go of. But research […]

It’s National Simplify Your Life Week: 4 Ways to Declutter Your Life

A road sign with complicated simple words on sky background

Just a week to simplify your life?? With the right mindset, you can make some real progress! Here are four suggestions to do just that: Schedule Chores and Errands In his book, The Productivity Project: Accomplishing More by Managing Your Time, Attention, and Energy, Chris Bailey outlines his year spent conducting numerous productivity experiments on […]

How to Unsubscribe from Unwanted Emails

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Unsubscribe, Then Mass Delete While visiting my parents, my mother asked for help cleaning up her with inbox. She couldn’t find the landscaper’s bill, and since he was also her neighbor, she wanted to pay it promptly. I opened up her email account, entered the neighbor’s name in the search field and found the bill […]

Kiss Your Clutter Goodbye! (With or Without Marie Kondo)

Photo of jeans folded and placed upright in drawer, the KonMari method

Have you ever watched the show, Hoarders? What about binge-watching the series to scare yourself into throwing things out? Well, on the opposite end of hoarding is minimalism. There’s even a show for that. Then there is Marie Kondo’s book, The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up… But what about an in-between solution for those of us who […]